
Business cards - optimal solutions for your business!

Why busines cards from EXIMBANK?

National and international use

Quick payments through “Contactless”

Secure online payments

0 lei minimum amount

  • Debit Business Card

    Manages quickly and conveniently the expenses incurred by the employees of your company

    Manages quickly and conveniently the expenses incurred by the employees of your company

    checked iconMade of 100% recycled plastic
    checked icon currency MDL, USD, EUR,
    checked icon card type: VISA BUSINESS, debit
  • Credit card CIAO Business

    The CIAO Business credit card allows you to cover the bonds at any time

    The CIAO Business credit card allows you to cover the bonds at any time

    checked iconMade of 100% recycled plastic
    checked icon currency MDL,
    checked icon grace period up to 50 days

Customer support

Phone: +373 22 600 000, e-mail:  cards@eximbank.com

*To announce the loss, theft, ATM lock/seizure or fraudulent use of the card issued by EXIMBANK or for any other emergency, get in touch with non-stop Customer Service: +373 3030 1111.


Informații privind condițiile de emitere și deservire a cardurilor de plată


All the deposits opened by individuals and legal entities are guaranteed up to the amount of coverage ceiling of 200 000 MDL.



Depositor Information Form