EXIMBANK awarded twice
EXIMBANK won the trophy for the nomination "FAMILY FRIENDLY WORKPLACES" and the gold medal for the nomination "SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE TRADEMARK" at the competition "COMMERCIAL BRAND OF THE YEAR". The award ceremony took place during the annual Moldovan Business Gala, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on June 9.
The care for its employees is one of the key priorities of EXIMBANK and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, and the awarded trophy in the "Family Friendly Workplaces" nomination confirms the commitment to provide a working environment where people feel at ease and develop their full potential.
Being deeply marked by the geopolitical situation in the region, the post-pandemic adaptation and the economic and social challenges that followed in the wake of the pandemic, the year 2022, for which the "Trade Mark" awards are given, has conditioned the rethinking of approaches towards a more effective management of the well-being and safety of employees, as well as bringing back to the forefront the issue of their inclusion and diversity.
Thus EXIMBANK successfully implements for its team members:
- Various Wellbeing programs (loyalty appreciation campaigns; employee development opportunities for their children; sports fields available to the employees and participation at international competitions; and more)
- Paying a series of benefits aimed to alleviate the negative impact of inflation, both at the level of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and locally, through the negotiations of an additional agreement to the Collective Work Agreement;
- International healthcare plan - a unique plan providing medical assistance in the event of the occurrence of certain serious illnesses, with access to a medical network providing a secondary opinion for each colleague in the plan and their family members, as well as treatment in the best international centers for insured employees, with all relevant costs covered by the plan;
- Preferential conditions on the Bank's products and services;
- Meal vouchers;
- Combined work schedule (office/remote);
- Other benefits such as diversified activities, the possibility to gain international experience, trainings and team buildings.
Vitalie BUCATARU, First Deputy General Manager of EXIMBANK: "The actions and programs implemented by EXIMBANK and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group are part of our international HR strategy - "People first", in which people are put at the forefront and the inclusion and well-being of our employees remains a priority at all times.”
Furthermore, the trophy obtained for the nomination "Family Friendly Workplaces" certainly confirms the effectiveness of the strategy followed. At the same time, we are convinced that sustainable development and social responsibility are essential for sustainable development in the community. Therefore, the support and implementation of ESG initiatives by EXIMBANK, in line with the expectations of employees and the community and aligned with the ISP Group guidelines, are always on our agenda, going beyond the enhancement of these initiatives by taking action, aiming to make them the core of our approaches and our business, which is also confirmed by the golden award given for the nomination "Socially Responsible Trademark"."
Being part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, EXIMBANK is aware of the impact of its activities on the community and is strongly determined to reduce its effects and proactively contribute both to the strengthening of the overall growth capacity of the economy of the country and to the enhancement of the context for the community and the environment.contribuirea la înlesnirea efectelor resimțite de populație pe urma situațiilor de forță majoră;
During 2022, there have traditionally developed numerous campaigns and initiatives oriented towards:
- Contributing to the reduction of the effects felt among the population as a result of force majeure situations;
- supporting local businesses, especially those oriented towards ESG criteria or those managed by women, therefore making their own contribution to increase the quality standards and their competitiveness on the market;
- facilitating the social inclusion of under-represented groups;
- raising awareness on environmental protection;
- supporting children and young people, both through supporting their performance in education, extra-curricular activities, financial education and helping to facilitate access to high-quality medicine.
Launched in 2003, the " Commercial Brand of the Year " contest aims to familiarize with the best brands on the domestic market, as well as to test the competitiveness of products and services, based on the evaluation by a professional jury, composed of representatives of public and public institutions, specialists in marketing, advertising, intellectual property, consumer protection, business representatives, etc., as well as consumers in the Republic of Moldova.
This competition contributes to the promotion of successful business practices in the country, where the main beneficiaries are consumers, who can benefit from quality products and services.