It is likely that most of us have sent or received at least one email today, or even more! When writing, sending or receiving emails the last thing we’re probably thinking about is the environmental impact – but should we?!

At first glance, digital messages appear to save resources. Unlike traditional letters, no paper or stamps are needed; nothing has to be packaged or transported. Many of us tend to assume that using email requires little more than the electricity used to power our computers. It's easy to overlook the invisible energy usage involved in running the network (and maintaining the entire physical infrastructure behind it) - particularly when it comes to sending and storing data.

Every single email in every single inbox in the world is stored on a server. The incredible quantity of data requires huge server farms - gigantic centres with millions of computers which store and transmit information. These servers consume massive amounts of energy, 24 hours a day, and require countless litres of water, or air conditioning systems, for cooling. The more messages we send, receive and store, → the more servers are needed - which means → more energy consumed, and more carbon emissions.

?! Did you know that an email stored in an email account for one year emits 19g of CO2. And sending an email and copying 10 people multiplies CO2 emissions by four ?!

Another alarming figure: sending 33 emails of 1 MB to two recipients every day produces 180kg of CO2 a year - the same as driving 621.3 miles by car. Each year, 293,000m emails are sent globally, of which 80% are never opened … you do the maths!

Email use is not the only way we are responsible of CO2 emissions. Every time we do an internet search, our request covers thousands of miles of cables. Having several tabs open at once also consumes energy because each web page that remains open is continuously connected to its server. Streaming a video on your mobile using 4G consumes 23 times more energy than streaming it on wifi because mobile data repeatedly sends signals to the cell towers. 

It's definitely worthwile taking a few minutes to do an eco-friendly digital detox.

Here are a few simple actions that could contribute at reducing the CO2 quantity emitted throught our daily activities:


1. Efficient email management

  • Whenever possible, avoid sending useless messages, which can be replaced by verbal conversation;
  • Do not copy lots of recipients on an email if it is unnecessary;
  • Check an email before sending it to avoid the notorious follow-up: “Sorry, in my previous email I forgot to attach the file.”;
  • Use an anti-spam tool and regularly empty your recycle bin and spam folder;
  • Unsubscribe from all newsletters that you don’t read;
  • Choose a common storage for files exchange, especially for those heavy;
  • Compress the files you send by email.


2. Responsible use of the browser

  • Be precise when you search: if the keyword you use is the right one, you will save the energy needed to travel about 40km by car;
  • Write directly in the address bar of the browser - not in the search engine, when you go to visit a page that you have visited before. This will prevent your search from going back through the search engine and/or data centres;
  • Tapăm direct în bara de adrese a browserului - nu în motorul de căutare - atunci când vizităm o pagină accesată ​​anterior. Aceasta va împiedica căutarea să revină prin motorul de căutare și / sau centre de date;
  • Close the tabs you’re not using.


3. Periodic disconnection

  • Disconnect whenever you can. You don’t have to spend all day connected to Google news or social networks;
  • At home, unplug your modem or router at night and when you’re away to save electricity;
  • Disable mobile notifications;
  • Remove unused applications;
  • Delete your old accounts or YouTube videos posted years ago - they are still stored on servers and create pollution for nothing;
  • Avoid HD (high definition). Try watching your favourite series in low resolution. When streaming, you consume between four to ten times less energy than watching in high definition.


!! It might be hard to believe, but sometimes it’s more eco-friendly to print a document. This applies if a document has more than four pages and takes more than 15 minutes to read. Print in black and white, double-sided and two pages per sheet !!

Let’s act conscious and responsible!

Together we can contribute to the Environment Protection!

This publication is part of the "Think Green Act Eco" campaign, held by EXIMBANK on the occasion of the World Environment Day, celebrated by the international community yearly, on the June 5th. 
