EXIMBANK wins top awards in "Commercial Brand of the Year 2023"EXIMBANK wins top awards in "Commercial Brand of the Year 2023"

EXIMBANK wins top awards in "Commercial Brand of the Year 2023"

EXIMBANK continues its successful streak, earning two important awards at the "COMMERCIAL BRAND OF THE YEAR 2023" competition. This year, the bank received the "Crystal Mercury" trophy in the "FAMILY FRIENDLY WORKPLACES" category and the Main Trophy for "SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE TRADEMARK". These awards recognize the bank's remarkable initiatives carried out throughout 2023.

In an environment characterized by dynamic change, EXIMBANK, a subsidiary of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, demonstrates its commitment and loyalty to its employees by placing a strong emphasis on their needs and well-being. Prioritizing the digitalization of human resources processes, implementing flexible work solutions, and promoting diversity and inclusion contribute to creating a comfortable work environment tailored to individual needs, thus supporting employees in realizing their maximum potential.

Eugeniu JOSAN, Head of the Legal Department and ESG Coordinator at EXIMBANK, stated: "We are extremely honored to have been recognized for excellence in the two categories, 'Family-Friendly Workplaces' and 'Socially Responsible Brand' at the 'Brand of the Year 2023' competition. These awards serve as a confirmation of our firm commitment to employee well-being and community development through innovative and sustainable initiatives. EXIMBANK will continue to invest in digitalization, diversity, and sustainability, thereby consolidating its position in the banking industry and generating a positive impact on the community and the environment. Our success is the result of our team's dedication and the constant support from the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. We will continue to promote an inclusive and friendly work environment, support green projects, and actively contribute to the economic and social development of our community."

One of the most notable projects of 2023 was the implementation of the Global Core HR & #People platform, a digital human resources portal that facilitates access to relevant information and interaction with colleagues. EXIMBANK also continued the "Stimulus" program, an international initiative by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group dedicated to mental health and workplace well-being, providing free, anonymous, and unlimited psychological support for employees.

EXIMBANK has also demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, with over 52% of managerial positions held by women. Throughout 2023, various activities organized to promote gender equality and equal opportunities, such as themed workshops and support for women entrepreneurs.

In light of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's dedication to the wellbeing of its employees, a project was initiated to create and provide colleagues within the International Subsidiary Banks Division (ISBD), which includes EXIMBANK, with a unique international medical assistance program ("IHP"), which offers support in the case of serious illnesses.

EXIMBANK reaffirms its commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, carrying out a series of initiatives aimed at supporting the community, the environment, and the national economy.

As an active creditor for SMEs in Moldova, EXIMBANK strengthens its support for this sector through a new loan agreement signed with the EBRD, benefiting from its advantageous positioning in terms of liquidity and capitalization. This agreement, worth 10 million euros, will support businesses affected by the socio-economic and energy crisis, with 35% of the funds allocated to women-led enterprises.

In 2023, EXIMBANK continued to invest in youth development through internship programs and financial education. Educational projects included workshops and public lectures promoting financial and environmental awareness among young people.

The bank supported ecological campaigns, including the planting of 3,000 seedlings in the Natural Reservation "Pădurea Domnească", and clean-up actions in Chișinău.

The awards received this year provide further motivation to continue on the path of sustainable development, remaining dedicated to our mission of providing innovative and responsible financial solutions, while simultaneously supporting the well-being of our employees and community.
