Currency converter
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The exchange rate was updated on 2024.09.11
The name of the currency Purchase Sale The official exchange rates of the NBM Dolar S.U.A. (USD)17.3000 17.6000 17.4011 Euro (EUR)19.1700 19.4700 19.2099 Leu romanesc (RON)3.7700 3.9000 3.8615 Lira sterlina (GBP)22.4000 23.0000 22.7918 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR EXCHANGE OPERATIONS
BC "EXIMBANK" SA is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme of the Republic of Moldova
The name of the currency Purchase Sale The official exchange rates of the NBM Dolar S.U.A. (USD)17.3000 17.6000 17.4011 Euro (EUR)19.1400 19.4800 19.2099