Visa Inspire: Explore, Dream, Achieve!
card use
National and International
quick payments
through Contactless
online payments
through 3D Secure
About the card
VISA INSPIRE debit card can be of standard, social, salary and deposit type.
Why choose VISA INSPIRE?
VISA INSPIRE card inspires you every day to make your loved ones happy anywhere in the world. They can be used for commercial transactions, including payment of various services and utilities, and/or supply/release of cash, both on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and abroad, combining the safety of operations and the convenience of renouncing cash handling.
I want more!
efficient monitoring of the funds availability on the card account - through Internet banking and Mobile banking
top up the card whenever you want without coming to the bank, using Cash-In ATMs
ZERO commission for payment of goods and services to merchants in Moldova and abroad
ZERO commission for withdrawal at the ATMs of the Intesa Sanpaolo group
ZERO commission for opening the card